
Template for a 35mm pinhole camera

Click on the images to enlarge and download. Courtesy of Gizmodo

Photo Seminar's Trip to MOCA and Siam Cafe 3/10

Congrats to Coriana Close

She is a recipient of the University of Arizona's 1885 Society Fellowship. This means that she will have 18,000 to invest in her thesis exhibition.

Sites and Locations

Here is an example of the Sites and Locations project from Bekah Blank. A great way to spend a beautiful afternoon walking through the woods to look at 3D images of Bekah's grandparents home in Pennsylvania
SamO and Stephanie looking at the work. By the way they will be in the Senior Studio Seminar next year so congrats
Bekah styling with the 3D glasses in front of one of her pieces

Art 052/01

The formal class portrait by Sam Lawrence

A day at the Buffalo Ranch with John Otto in the background.