
Remake Inspiration

There are a bunch of awesome remakes of art at this link.

Cool for anyone checking out the history of photography, painting etc.



The Lytro

I forgot to mention this until now but the camera that takes photos first and focuses later is now a real product. For a starting price of $399, you can own one.



Haunted House "Photo Project"

Hey dudes,

while browsing today, I came across the flickr of a haunted house that at an identical moment in the walkthrough of the house, fires a strobe and takes a picture right as the patrons are most scared. it actually makes for some extremely interesting photographs. the most interesting thing however, is simply how many of these shots there are. they have hundreds from each month of operation. as someone who stages photos, and tries meticulously to get people to look at least kind of scared, im finding this to be some great source material.




JeanYves Lemoigne

i found this photographer whose work really speaks to me, mainly because of its similarities to mine, which weirds me out!



Christy Lee Rogers



Photo Manipulation with Polaroid Zink Printer

Turns out, these gadgets are quite handy.


4x5 Rangefinder

For those who are curious, I finally finished building my portable 4x5 camera. It needs a bit of fine-tuning, but I've already started making images with it that I'll develop when I'm back in Oberlin.




this is fucking insane stuff. Long exposures using body scans of a segmented murderer's corpse. for real. yeah. thats what i said. holy shit.

check it outtttttt: http://www.project1231.com/


a generic list of photographers

people have been asking me to post my list of photographers online for a while now, I put it on my blog but I'll put it here too.

this is just a small collection of modern photographers who have recently-updated websites, one or two actually-famous photographers may have snuck on here as well. hopefully this helps someone...



Mando Alvarez

Ben Anderson

Claire Atkinson

Brendan Austin

Peter Baker

Tim Barber

Richard Barnes

Jonas Bendiksen

Mark Borthwick

Samuel Bradley

Alex Brown

Lukasz Brzeskiewicz

Jason Campbell

David Chancellor

Michal Chelbin

Philip Cheung

Kevin Cooley

Hugh Crawford

Gregory Crewdson

Jackson Eaton

Bryant Eslava

Christian Flatscher

Vincent Fournier

Shauna Frischkorn

Julia Fullerton-Batten

Julia Galdo

Matthew Genitempo

Alan George

Stephanie Gonat

Will Govus

Emiliano Granado

Dacian Groza

Todd Hido

Pieter Hugo

Tristan Hutchinson

Chelsee Ivan

Kenro Izu

Chris Jordan

Noah Kalina

Tony Katai


Tamara Lichtenstein

Salva Lopez

Tony Luong

Mark Mahaney

Levi Mandel

Sally Mann

Martin McGagh

Ryan McGinley

Megan McIsaac

Sander Meisner

Joel Meyerowitz

Elisabeth Molin

Abelardo Morell

Pipo Nguyen-Duy

Kurt Novak

Suzanne Opton

Ed Panar

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

Mark Peckmezian

Annette Pehrsson

Alex Prager

Thomas Prior

Terry Richardson

Ben Roberts

Ward Roberts

Alessandra Sanguinetti

Lina Scheynius

Bryan Schutmaat

Joshua Scott

Daniel Shea

Emily Shur

Alec Soth

Bradley Spitzer

Jake Stangel

Matt Stuart

Matthew Tammaro

Sebastien Tixier

Spencer Tunick

Brian Ulrich

Nicholas Umek

Barry Underwood

Alex Varanese

Andres Vargas

Tim Walker

David Wilson

Geordie Wood

Keith Davis Young


Kimiko Yoshida

ILL: http://www.kimiko.fr/



"How do you photograph one of the most secretive countries in the world?
For Charlie Crane the answer was simple, photograph what they want you to see. If there is no possibility of getting underneath the surface then the answer was to photograph the surface itself. This series is taken from a larger body of work in Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea."



Roger Ballen

Roger Ballen is an American photographer who works (among other things) documenting rural South Africa. The photographs are stunning, and blur the line between reality and staging: its easy to see his hand in the staging of the photographs, but unclear what elements are his responsibility. Check out his work on his website!



Alejandro Chaskielberg + Underøath

This guy just won the Sony Photographer of the year award. I think this stuff is really unbelievable. Check him out here: http://www.chaskielberg.com/

also: TILT SHIFT BREAKDOWN + sugimoto!



Jon Rafman - 9 eyes

Hey y'all

I've been getting really into some work by this guy Jon Rafman. In one of his projects, he makes large scale prints of images he captures in Google Street View. This is pretty crazy, considering the nature of this work as photography. He is essentially doing Bresson's work, searching for the Decisive Moment, but rather than shooting it himself, he's using the (literally) millions of images that Google has produced for Street View. The work talks about the beauty of our world through an interesting lens, the nine eyes of the Google camera. The three images I've posted here came from the blog Rafman uses to document the project, which is here:




Andreas Feininger

Andreas Feininger was one of the most important photographers of the 20th century.
Check out more of his work and read about his life here.


Alternative meets 4x5 and its ILLLLLLLL

LEGO 4x5!: http://inhabitat.com/incredible-legotron-mark-i-camera-made-from-lego-blocks/

1024 Architecture

3D Bridge / Report #2 from 1024 on Vimeo.

This is fantastic.



VIP Observers of an Atomic Bomb

...from Capturing the Atom Bomb on Film, a New York Times piece on the US' nuclear experiments. More information about this image as well as additional photos can be found here.


Wonderful website tackling issues surrounding the future of photography.
